Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Quick update

Here is a quick look at a rough paint of the sketch i just did

starting a new sketch

So, just to get myself going, i started to line a sketch that i drew a week ago in the scad sketchbooks that we got!

Over break. . . .

So, my plan over break is to sketch out as much as I can so that I dont waste time trying to concept on the computer. I'd rather have a sketch ready, and upload the picture to the computer and go from there. So over break I'm going to give myself the goal of 3-4 sketches over the break to give myself a working momentum.
For the storybook, I plan to work hard and have my mom look over the story and fix any errors and hopefully have the written part of the book DONE!
Hopefully with what I'm going to do over break, itll boost me up in the class and Ill be able to post more!

Monday, December 14, 2015

fisheye stuff

So here is my fisheye city and I tried to go for like a night time glow but it didnt really work out well

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Update on everything

So here is the basic line art for my fish eye project and I am creating a city.

So I'm going to finish my hannya mask and color the flowers ad maybe play around witht he color of the mask from red to maybe grey and I wrote down the name of the certain mask and im excited about this one ,

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Progress Today

So today, I continued to do line art and finished the part when Mako and Aura say goodbye and the outline of the submarine.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Story update

So for the story we have really been cranking stuff out lately and finished the rough draft of the story (like the plotline) and I finished my Screen for IB on the Story.