Tuesday, May 17, 2016

new screen

Here is my second screen for april explaining the process of how I made my geisha

Friday, May 13, 2016

upcoming screens

So I think for my may screens I am going to do artists comparisons between art noveau and maybe manga artists and compare and contrast the two because they kind of look similiar in some ways

About my screen

So i posted my first april screen and I think for my next screen as well as the one I just did, I just did a recap of how I created the piece and talked a little about the art show and my inspirations for the piece

april screen 1

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

during the art show

i created this during the art show

the art show. . .

So I think the artshow went very well because I had all of my pieces set up and I enjoyed it a lot because a lot of people were walking around and asking me questions and were liking my pieces!